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How to Publish a Plugin

In this document, you'll learn how to publish a Medusa plugin to NPM and what are some requirements to keep in mind before publishing.


If you haven't created a plugin yet, please check this guide to learn how to create a plugin.

Prepare the Plugin

package.json Checklist

Before publishing your plugin, make sure you've set the following fields in your plugin's package.json:

  • name: The name of your plugin. By convention, all plugin names start with medusa followed by a descriptive name of what the plugin does. For example, medusa-payment-stripe.
  • description: A short description of what the plugin does.
  • author: Your name or your company's name.
  • repository: This includes details about the repository that holds the source code of the plugin. It's an object that holds the following properties:
    • type: Should be git.
    • url: The URL to the repository (for example, the GitHub repository holding the code of your plugin).
  • keywords: An array of keywords that are related to the plugin. It's required for all Medusa plugins to use the keywords medusa-plugin. Other recommended keywords are:
    • medusa-plugin-analytics: For plugins that add analytics functionalities or integrations.
    • medusa-plugin-cms: For plugins that add CMS functionalities or integrations.
    • medusa-plugin-notification: For plugins that add notification functionalities or integrations.
    • medusa-plugin-payment: For plugins that add payment functionalities or integrations.
    • medusa-plugin-search: For plugins that add search functionalities or integrations.
    • medusa-plugin-shipping: For plugins that add shipping functionalities or integrations.
    • medusa-plugin-storage: For plugins that add a file service or storage integration.
    • medusa-plugin-source: For plugins that help migrate or import data into Medusa from another platform.
    • medusa-plugin-storefront: For storefronts that can be integrated with a Medusa backend.
    • medusa-plugin-other: For any other type of plugin.

Scripts in package.json

Make sure you add the publish command to your scripts field and make the following change to the build command:

"build": "babel src --out-dir . --ignore **/__tests__ --extensions \".ts,.js\"",
"prepare": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production npm run build"

The build command ensures that the plugin's built files are placed as explained in the plugin structure section of the Create Plugin documentation.

The prepare command facilitates your publishing process. You would typically run this script before publishing your plugin.

This new script requires installing the package cross-env as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev cross-env

Plugin Structure

Make sure your plugin's structure is as described in the Create Plugin documentation. If you've made the changes mentioned in the above section to the scripts in package.json, you should have the correct structure when you run the prepare command.

NPM Ignore File

Not all files that you use while developing your plugin are necessary to be published.

For example, the files you add in the src directory are compiled to the root of the plugin directory before publishing. Then, when a developer installs your plugin, they’ll just be using the files in the root.

So, you can ignore files and directories like src from the final published NPM package.

To do that, create the file .npmignore with the following content:


# These are files that are included in a
# Medusa project and can be removed from a
# plugin project

Publish Plugin

This section explains how to publish your plugin to NPM.

Before you publish a plugin, you must create an account on NPM.

Run Prepare Command

Before you publish or update your plugin, make sure to run the prepare command defined earlier:

npm run prepare


In your terminal, log in with your NPM account:

npm login

You’ll be asked to enter your NPM email and password.

Publish Plugin Package

Once you’re logged in, you can publish your package with the following command:

npm publish

Your package is then published on NPM and everyone can use it and install it.

Install Plugin

To install your published plugin, you can run the following command on any Medusa backend project:

npm install medusa-plugin-custom

Update Plugin

To update your plugin at a later point, you can run the following command to change the NPM version:

npm version <type>

Where <type> indicates the type of version update you’re publishing. For example, it can be major or minor. You can see the full list of types in NPM’s documentation.

Then, publish the new update:

npm publish